Ready to Level Up?
Level Up For Life
We NEED you...
Illustration of males aged 18 to 25
To SAVE them.
Illustration of recipients of all ages
Recipient smiling with arms raised Recipient onstage at Gift of Life event Donor onstage at Gift of Life event Recipient and Donor together onstage Recipient and Donor embracing Recipient and Donor smiling while posing for a photograph
Males ages 18-25
Illustration of males aged 18 to 25
To join our registry by
swabbing your cheek
(It literally takes 2 seconds)
Man swabbing cheek
On your couch or in your
bathroom or at your desk
Today. Now.
The sooner,
the better.
Person joining the registry on their smartphone

1 person every 3 minutes is diagnosed with blood cancer like leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. That's 360 people PER DAY. Blood cancer can strike anyone, at anytime.

So here's the deal, males ages 18 to 25: (YOU) are the best donors because (YOU) tend to have the healthiest stem cells and therefore provide the best outcome for patients.

Illustration of 360 people standing together

If you're a match for a patient, you'll be able to easily donate your blood stem cells or marrow and become an actual life-saving hero.

Illustration of two people embracing while one imagines the other as a superhero
This guy saved a life.
You can too.
Get started in 3 easy steps.
  1. Step one:Sign up.
  2. Step two:Swab.
  3. Step three:Send it back.
A man smiles the camera as he donates to save a life

That's right. There's a really good chance that YOU could be someone's cure. In the time it's taken to read all this, you could've already joined the registry. SO…